ETO sterilization is a widely employed method for decontaminating and sterilizing medical devices. It involves the use of ethylene oxide gas, which has a powerful ability to kill a broad spectrum of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and spores.
ETO is particularly suited for medical device sterilization because it can penetrate most complex and sensitive materials without damaging the device or impacting the functionality of the device.
of all medical devices in the USA are sterilized using ethylene oxide (EtO)
Emission Control
Facilities using ETO sterilization must implement robust emission control systems to prevent the release of harmful gas into the environment. These systems include catalytic abatement plants, gas scrubbers and ventilation systems to capture and neutralize ETO emissions.
The complete safe solution for all ethylene oxide process emissions. LESNI's innovative and proven solution purifies the emissions from the sterilization of medical devices. This delivers a safe and reliable "state of the art" system that meets the current stringent regulation with high destruction efficiency.
The Catalytic Abatement Plant "EO CAP" is designed to treat all potential low fugitive air extracts from degassing and aeration, the vacuum pump high concentrate vents as well as the waste liquid seal from vacuum pumps.
These products for the sterilization process with ethylene oxide are used as a precaution and to protect users, the neighborhood and the environment from harmful environmental effects from air pollution.
Safety in ETO Sterilization
Manufacturers must validate the ETO sterilization process to ensure its effectiveness. Routine monitoring, including biological indicators and chemical indicators, is conducted to verify that sterilization parameters are consistently met.
ChemDAQ has stood at the forefront of gas detection and monitoring technology for over 20 years
The DR490A Safe Cell Dry Scrubbers effectively eliminate EtO in a secure manner. These Dry Scrubbers use a proprietary chemical reactant material, which ensures the safe destruction of EtO. Plus, the ease of disposing the spent reactant in non-hazardous landfills adds to the overall convenience of the process.
CENTERPIECE is equipped with
ChemDAQ Monitoring Systems
DR490A Safe-Cell Dry Scrubbers